
STDOUT detail: application crashes/exits early: application exits with code 2 ....blahblah...
STDOUT goroutine 2070 [IO wait]:

STDOUT goroutine 2098 [chan receive]:

STDOUT goroutine 1771 [chan receive]:


fatal error: concurrent map read and map write

goroutine 391 [running]:
runtime.throw({0x330ef38?, 0x2c82480?})
	/usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:992 +0x71 fp=0xc003371488 sp=0xc003371458 pc=0x436491
runtime.mapaccess2_faststr(0x0?, 0x0?, {0xc0026e8497, 0x28})
	/usr/local/go/src/runtime/map_faststr.go:117 +0x3d4 fp=0xc0033714f0 sp=0xc003371488 pc=0x4133b4
git.blahblah.com/blahblah/internal/clients/rate_limit/distribute/v2.findLimiter({0xc0026e8497, 0x28})

继而查看业务代码,确实是在并发操作map时,可能存在写map的同时,有协程对map进行读取,导致fatal error,关于这个问题,之前在 Golang Map 源码分析 中提到过。

那这些goroutine的日志是谁打印的呢,以上面的错误为例,查看源码,是runtime throw出来的:

throw("concurrent map read and map write")

pkg.go.dev/runtime 有说:

The GOTRACEBACK variable controls the amount of output generated 
when a Go program fails due to an unrecovered panic or an unexpected runtime condition. 
By default, a failure prints a stack trace for the current goroutine, 
eliding functions internal to the run-time system, and then exits with exit code 2. 
The failure prints stack traces for all goroutines if there is no current goroutine or the failure is internal to the run-time. 

同时然后找到一个issue, runtime: some runtime throws print all goroutine stack dumps by default,大概就是说panic会打印问题goroutine的堆栈信息,但是throw会把所有goroutine都打印出来方便对问题进行调查,但是在线上流量大的环境下,如果代码存在问题,会频繁dump出大量日志出来,不太友好,对于不熟悉的同学也不好定位问题… 官方未回复